This Store Came Out like a month ago, but Oh Well. Jean Paul Tribute:    
So I know this is LONG overdue, but there's a new store!!!   :D
The style is different then some of the other Stardoll Stores...  It seems mire outgoing and...  "revealing", I guess. The style looks more... whats the word... Punk?  (IDK what else to call it)  a lot of black, fishnet kinda stuff,tight clothes, and "different" head items. Way to appeal to different audiences, Stardoll   :D

Now for my Likes and Dislikes...

Okay, so the nude skirt shouldn't be too hard to work with. You could try a dark brown or white top and make it look like an empire waist dress. Accessorize this outfit with some nice dangly earrings, and a pair of white boots!
Silver earrings are a must-have... show them off with ANY cute outfit!!!
The blue and white rose dress is pretty cute. Dark brown boots and a leather bag would make the outfit perfect!!
The zigzag Dress is super cute too!! A cute necklace and earrings, and some light-brown flats and ur ready to rock the dress!!

Ermmmm..... one word for your stardoll....   EWWWWWW
Okay, so a few more words.
What in the Hay were you thinking?!?!?!
First of all, is the black and white thing hair??!!?ciz I swear it looks like Lint. From a Dryer. The plate necklace looks like what people wear to make their necks longer.  Okay... Who wears a Long Shirt with a short Skirt?!?!!   :P  srry if u like that outfit but eewwwyyy....   Just no
Worst of all is that swimsuit bottom underwear chain thingy?!?!  BIG NO-NO....  is that a Sun on it????   Why.... Just Why Stardoll.

Be Careful.... Trufflez can Melt!!
So yeah.. that pink dress was a glitch.
Well they fixed it. But HAHA cuz I got it for WAAAYYY cheaper. :D I happy!!!!!!!! So gud job for people who got it... and for those who didn't get it... TOO BAD!! Now you gotta buy it for 11 STARDOLLARS!! mwahahahaha....
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
In the starplaza, there are three random free things, a picture of an owl, a straw hat, and another hat-like thing.
...? I have no idea what this is. I got them, cus they're free, but i really don't know about this stuff. Maybe i'll update later. What do you think these are for? Are you gonna get them (even though they look bizarre)? Comment.
Mimosmeep :3
Hey everyone!!!  So you guys probably don't rlly kno me, cuz I'm new  :D  But yeeahhh.... a bit about me I guess.

Im a girl (incase u haven't realized)
Anyone can tell you that Im kinda a klutz....  so don't let me hold andything to  important   :P
I love to sing...   and 
I'm still kinda confuzed on how stardoll works   :)

So yeah... idk wat to say, and I guess thats all u need to kno about me   :)

Be Careful....  Trufflez melt!!!
Haha.. that was a really corny joke. Anywho.. Tingeling got new floors!
WOW! I am so used to Tingeling's dark deep dull color scheme. This new collection is such a fresh new look! Kudos, stardoll! Now for my likes:
The first two skirts have nice shapes and nice designs. The purple dress is so spunky and cute. SO ORIGINAL! The wrap dress is a little boring in color, but the design and shape is really elegant. The top is colorful, and same with the skirt. The shoes are colorful, cute, and chic.
Now for my dislikes:
The first thing is too baggy. Plus, I don't really like the design. The jacket thingy next to it is just plain and weirdly shaped. The shorts look so weird! The "leaf" pattern looks pretty bad. The bubble polo is too stiff... and too blue. The jacket is too uptight, and i don't understand the skirt. The two pumps are too plain.
What do you think about Tingeling?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Look at this dress:
ELEVEN STARCOINS?!?! FROM TINGELING? I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not. It's really cheap, but then again, it is a really cheap looking dress. either way... it will be gone soon. Take advantage of it..;)
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
......Riviera looks different.
Ok so I like Riviera's style and color scheme, don't get me wrong. However, really? MORE bathing suits? It's hard enough as it is to wear them. Having a whole aqua store isn't really necessary stardoll. That being said, there are still some items I really like from this store. Here are my favorites from the new collection:
The skirt is a cute design, and a cute shape. The top kinda looks weird, but it could look REALLY cute if you work with it a little. Specially with a really long necklace. The shoes are a little plain, but cute nonetheless. And the dress is crazy and wacko, yet totally cool and chic. I like the combo a lot. Now for my dislikes:
The first dress is SOOO UGLY!!!! It's weird how they layered it with a bathing suit. Also, it has now real shape or structure. Maxi dresses need a shape line to follow, otherwise they look baggy. The dog dress... In what world is that a dog?! To me it looks like a walrus. So... no. The flower bathing suit is hard to wear, and hard to cover up. I don't see how it would work. The gray dress has boring straps, and weird flair at the bottom. Dresses usually flair out, not up. The white bathing suit looks a little creepy, like, almost intense. It's cuz it has a weird design with black and white.
What do you think about Riviera?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Hey guys! I just ate Creme Brulee. I feel hyper.. :{)!
So.... jskhkjdflksajdflkjsdlf lsjdflkjsldfkjas flkjsdflkjsldf lsjf
Kay. I feel better,
Here's the latest hot buy:
This dress is 24 stardollars from IT girls. First of all......WHAT THE HECK IS WITH THE GIANT HEART IN THE MIDDLE?!?! The dress looked ok at the bottom, then you look up, and there is this cute yellow blet to accentuate the waistline, and then you look even more up... and there's nothing. NOTHING. It's a giant hole in the middle. How the heck do you where that? You can't layer it with white, cuz a white layer on white looks bad. You can't use any other color, cuz it makes the dress look immature. So... its a definite NO for me.
What do you think?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Hey! I know I haven't posted in a while (sorry!!!) but for the record, my birthday was on the 15th, and I got A FRIGGIN CUPCAKE BRACELET FOR MY BIRTHDAY. So anyway, here's today's hot buy:
These floral shorts are 10 stardollars from Evil Panda. Um.... how are they floral?! They look more geometric to me... Yeah, I don't really like them. I don't know, they look like geometric spandex or something. Plus, it makes me think of... i dunno... the carnival? Or at least the tops of the tents have the same pattern. So... what do you think?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Well, i was gonna call these wedges from the Jean Paul Gaultier Tribute a glitch, but it appears stardoll has already done that for us.
They also decided to name the wedges after a fruit, but only problem: it seems they hired that kid who, at the third grade spelling bee, had to spell "banana" but just went on and on (bananananana) and so, after putting in one to many "an"s, he went to delete it, but missed the n. It says Bannana. So now, stardoll, instead of trying to run a glitch-and-spelling-error free site, is just putting "glitch" in the name so they can pretend like they meant to do that. But i still think, "its a tribute item!" so it must be expensive, so i think that 12 starcoins is actually a glitch. Idk. I'll keep my eye on it. Anyways, what do you think? Do you think its a genuine glitch or a "Glitch"? Will stardoll ever learn how to spell "banana"? Comment.
Mimosmeep :3
P.S. Sorry for not doing a post on the Jean Paul Tribute. I was on vacation, an ChocoChocoYum forgot to do it. It's kinda too late now, and, as you may have noticed, Bubbles6499 and ArabianCrazy88 have kinda ABANDONED us here! But ArabianCrazy88 has an excuse for summer; she's in Canada. (Bubbles

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